Someday contemplates everything


Someday : Current English Definition : (adverb) at some time in the future

The intention of Someday Mouse is to change the definition of “someday” from “some time in the future” to “some time in the present.” This character was created for the purpose of inspiring people to live their dreams. Life is a precious gift, and no person is sure how long he or she shall live. Therefore, the existence of Someday Mouse helps remind us that we must live a life that is uninhibited by fear of the future, because in reality we only exist in the moment.


Personal Statement from Katherine Brannock
Owner & Creative Director of Someday Mouse

The story of Someday Mouse was created shortly after Katherine Brannock experienced a dangerous car accident at the end of 2014. This instance prompted Katherine to reassess her aspirations in life. She began to ask questions, such as: What elements in life are important? What sorts of impressions or gifts are important to leave behind for future generations? How does one conduct a fulfilled life?

The more Katherine considered these questions, the more she realized how every moment was unmistakably precious, and she chose to focus her efforts towards expressing gratitude for each additional second she had been granted. Soon thereafter, Katherine began work on a story involving the Someday Mouse character.

The storyline of The Adventures of Someday Mouse involves a tiny Mouse named Someday, who has written a long list of plans to accomplish. Someday’s list involves everything from household chores, to epic quests across treacherous landscapes, to stillness absorbed in meditative reflection, to emotional epiphanies, and much more. However, the most valuable moment in Someday’s great adventure is fulfillment. At this point, Someday Mouse can finally rest in peace, knowing that they accomplished every plan on their list.

Within a few short months of completing this story, the first printing of The Adventures of Someday Mouse debuted in the summer of 2015 at The San Diego Comic-Con International. The story and character of Someday Mouse was well received by the public at the SDCC Convention. Her initial goal was to inspire children; however, as the book reached more and more individuals, Katherine realized that Someday Mouse’s story had the potential to appeal towards all ages, races, genders, and philosophies.